Transition Year (TY)

We offer a Transition Year (4th Year) at the end of Junior Cycle. The aim of this year is to provide the skills and support necessary to discover individual talents, aptitudes and abilities. Emphasis is on the intellectual, social and personal development of students and the result is an ability to cope better with their own development and the demands of the coming Senior Cycle. The programme varies in order to cater for the students of that particular year.

Core Subjects in TY

  • English
  • French/German
  • Geography
  • History
  • Irish
  • Mathematics
  • P.E.
  • Religious Education
  • Science

TY Modules

Modules vary each year and a cross-curricular approach is used whenever possible. Examples of TY Modules:

  • Accounting
  • Art
  • Computers
  • Cookery
  • Dance
  • Health Promotion
  • Irish Conversation
  • Mini-Companies
  • Personal Development
  • Public Speaking
  • Road Safety
  • Technology
  • Typing

Work Experience

Students spend two weeks on Work Experience, which is an integral part of the TY programme. The first week of Work Experience generally take place between the October midterm & Christmas holidays. The second week of Work Experience generally takes place between the February midterm & Easter holidays.