Study Skills Week

Study Skills Week

Study Skills Week – Blackwater Community School

This week we will be highlighting various aspects of developing good study skills for our students.
The theme for each day is as follows:
Day 1: Quality over Quantity: look at what you are doing and see if it actually helps you learn
Day 2 : Consistency: Developing a good routine throughout the year so that you are keeping on top of your work and not leaving it until the last minute.
Day 3: Organisation: The basics behind keeping on top of your work and working in a study friendly environment
Day 4: Positive Mindset: Setting yourself up for success with a positive mindset to help you try not to become overwhelmed with study.

Posters have been put up around the school highlighting the various methods students can use when studying, these include mind-maps, summary trees, the SQ3R method of studying, the importance of constantly revising information in small pieces on an ongoing basis. All subject teachers will be showing students how to study most effectively for their specific subject.
All 1st years and 5th years are currently undertaking a 6-week study skills programme in their career guidance classes. This programme will assist students in organising themselves, developing a positive mindset around study and achievement, methods used for effective study and preparing for exams. We also focus on overall well-being and how important this is in relation to study.
We are planning to hold an information night for parents in relation to study skills. Details of which will be posted on the school app.
All student in Blackwater Community School also have access to the studyclix website! This can be a very useful tool for students when studying! Students can set up an account on studyclix using the following code: 4ABT87