Through the SPHE programme the school aims to support the personal development, health and well-being of our students and to create a positive supportive environment within our school community.
To enable students to develop skills for self-fulfilment and living in communities.
To promote self-esteem and self-confidence.
To promote an awareness of the needs of others and the ability to respond to those needs as appropriate.
To provide opportunities for reflection and discussion.
SPHE is made up of 10 modules:
These modules are revisited each year as the students grow and develop.
Each class is allocated one period per week in SPHE. Classes are divided into groups of 15 students or less. This is to facilitate experiential learning.
First year is the only year group which is required to buy a SPHE workbook. This book is called Minding Me 1.
5th year students are divided into groups of 15 students or less and rotate between SPHE / Careers and study.