Remote Teaching & Learning
Remote Learning Protocol for Students and Parents/Guardians
Download: How to Submit Homework on Teams
To support efforts in this unsettling and challenging times to ensure consistency and high quality of education for all the students in BCS we have produced the following guidelines in the promotion of blended learning.
Blended learning is the delivery of the curriculum by facilitating learning in an effective combination of different modes. These modes include In-school, Live online (remote) and self-directed. Since our return in September 2020 we are providing our students with the skill set to access and build their confidence in remote and self-directed learning while maintaining the support of in-school engagement.
We have compiled a list of guidelines and expectations for members of our school community to support us all to engage in high quality, effective and safe distance learning. Teacher/students and Parent/guardians have rights and responsibilities, and it is integral to the ethos of our school as a caring community that mutual respect and tolerance should always characterise all relationships in our school.
Please note
- These guidelines should be read in conjunction with all school policies, including Code of Behaviour, Anti-Bullying Policy, Acceptable
- Use Policy, ICT Code of Conduct as outlined in student PR books and which apply to both in-school and remote classes.
- Students whose behaviour is regularly inappropriate online and which is consistently below the accepted school standard, may be excluded from school activities.
- The school reserves the right to report any illegal activities to the appropriate authorities.
- Students are expected to use Microsoft Office 365 as the main hub for all communications regarding their class arrangements e.g. links to videos, sharing of PowerPoints, assignments etc. Students are also expected to monitor their school email accounts daily.
- This protocol is subject to change as emerging needs evolve.
Guidelines and Expectations
1. In advance of going online:
- Make sure your device is fully charged before class begins
- Find a suitable location – noise free etc
- Log onto the correct app at the time requested by your teacher
- Be aware of what others may be able to view or hear around you/ in the background.
- Be class ready, have materials you will need in advance of going online
2. While Online:
- Remember the Rules of ‘Netiquette’ – please see below
- Clarify with your teacher the work you have been assigned
- Clarify the due date for work assignments
- Write all assigned work into your PR book, this will help Parents/Guardians to support you.
- Take notes, as you go, on the important point of the lesson. Writing will help you to understand the material and to stay more engaged in the learning
- Stay organised
- Ask your teacher (or SNA) for guidance and suggestions, if you have any questions or difficulties.
- If you are still unclear let your teacher know by emailing your teacher during school hours.
3. Attendance:
- Teachers will keep a roll of all classes online; students will have their camera on when entering class but speaker on mute until instructed by the teacher to unmute for roll.
- If a teacher has a concern about a student’s repeated lack of attendance or lack of participation in class, then the relevant tutor/year-head will be informed, and contact home will be made.
4. Netiquette:
- Our schools Code of Behaviour, School Rules and ICT Acceptable Use Policy apply to all Remote Learning.
- A high sense of respect is expected from students when engaging with their online class.
- The use of proper internet etiquette is always expected.
- Circulating or publishing (including on the internet) material recorded without consent with the purpose of humiliating, undermining the reputation of or causing damage to another person, whether considered a ‘joke’ or not , may be considered as a serious breach of discipline and appropriate sanctions will be imposed. This could result in suspension or expulsion from school depending on the circumstances.
- Inappropriate language or behaviour will result in disciplinary action.
- Remember that Remote Learning is not private. Think about the consequences of anything you might write or post online.
Above all, be positive and participate to the best of your ability in your engagement with BCS Remote Learning.
5. Parents:
- Please support your son/daughter by helping to develop a routine during the school day, encourage them to try and complete any online schoolwork to the best of their ability.
- Please encourage them to contact their subject teacher, year head or school management if they are having any difficulties.
- Please contact your son/daughter tutor or year-head by email if your child is ill or unable for school/ engage in learning, as would normally occur if in school classes were in operation.
- By facilitating your child’s live online lessons in your home, your child’s lessons may feel different, but the same rules of communication apply as if they were regularly taught lessons in school. This means that the interaction during these lessons is to be between the teacher and student only.
- Parents may request additional support from the school Guidance, SEN and Year team if required. Initial contact can be made by parents through school office or email and appropriate follow up and supports will be agreed.
- Parents/Guardians will be able to view your child’s progress, engagement, and assessments online through the VS Ware portal.
- We hope your family remains healthy and well, please remind your son/daughter to follow all guidelines to help contain the spread of Covid-19.