1. Pilates-Try this short, no equipment, Pilates workout https://youtu.be/bgzPkvRQnro
2. This link to archeology Ireland could make your walking trips a little more interesting. Walk with purpose and explore your local area https://maps.archaeology.ie/HistoricEnvironment/
3. Opening date for our Couch to 5k event is this Friday. Squeeze the last bit of training in this week during your PE time. Remember, for the event you are competing against yourself. You can walk it, run it or do a mixture of both.
4. Movement Break-Try this 10 minute chair workout throughout your week. https://youtu.be/X6TtFr2Zp_s
5. Feeling stressed or anxious? Try this 10 minute meditation for anxiety https://youtu.be/O-6f5wQXSu8