We hope everyone is well and staying safe.
Please make sure to keep active. It’s hugely important for your own mental health, but being active will also help your school work by increasing energy and concentration levels.
1. Try some of these 25 exercises throughout the week. These can all be done from home and will be a good way to prevent you from getting sore and stiff from sitting all day. https://snacknation.com/blog/office-exercises/
2. Try the Get Ireland Walking App. The challenge is to walk for 21 days in a row.Aim to walk for at least 30 minutes each day. You don’t have to do it all at once you can build up to 30 minutes or more by being active for at least 10 minutes in the early days. Just keep increasing the length of your walk and watch the minutes add up. By using the free app you will keep a record of your walking every day. By tracking how long or how far you walked, you’ll see proof of your improvements and receive tips and encouragements along the challenge! This is a great motivation to keep going! https://getirelandwalking.ie/app/
3. Couch to 5K-Use your PE slot to train for our Couch to 5K event. Complete the event and be in with a chance to win an Elverys voucher.
4. Try a Zumba workout https://youtu.be/umqHscQLv_I
5. Skills Challenge-Try these fundamental skills challenge. Looks easier than they are. https://youtu.be/hKrogkP-k2A