Engineering provides an introduction to the materials and processes in engineering and an insight into associated technologies. It is founded in practical activity that seeks to link observation and action with ingenuity and creativity within a problem-solving context.
Techniques and Design:
Materials and Technology:
Engineering is assessed, at Common Level, by means of a terminal written examination paper (25%) and a student project (75%). In 2nd and 3rd Year there is also a Classroom Based Assessment, the one in 3rd Year is linked to the student project.
Engineering promotes an educational understanding of a range of materials and a knowledge of the processes associated with mechanical engineering. This is achieved through the development of skills and initiative in the planning, development and realisation of technological projects in a safe manner.
Workshop Processes:
Materials and Technology:
Engineering is assessed at both Ordinary level and Higher level by means of a terminal written examination paper, a self-designed student project and a prescribed 6-hour practical examination.