The study of history provides pupils with transferable skills such as analysis and research. It allows pupils to understand current affairs and society as well as providing them with a sense of identity and culture.
Junior History
History is studied by all pupils in BCS at Junior Cycle. It is a core subject. The following are the 3 strands followed:
- Strand 1: The nature of History Topics covered includes the Historian and the Archaeologist.
- Strand 2: The history of Ireland. Topics covered include Early Christian Ireland, Medieval Ireland, Plantations, 1798 Rebellion, The Great Famine, Politics, Culture and Sport in Ireland, The Struggle for Independence, Ireland in the 60’s, Northern Ireland.
- Strand 3: The history of Europe and the wider world. Topics covered include Ancient Rome, Medieval Europe, Renaissance, Exploration, Reformation, American/French Revolution, World War 1 and 2, Communist Russia, Cold War, European Integration.
Students complete 2 Classroom Based Assessments; 1 in Second Year called The Past in My Place, and 1 in Third Year called A Life in Time. Students can complete the CBA of their choice with guidance from their teacher.
Senior History
History at Senior Cycle is an optional subject and one which focuses on modules in the Later Modern era. Pupils study 4 modules from the following:
Irish History 1815-1993
- Movements for Political and Social Reform 1870-1914
- The Pursuit of Sovereignty and Impact of Partition 1912-1949
- Politics & Society in Northern Ireland 1949-1993
- Government, Economy and Society in the Republic of Ireland 1949-1989
History for Europe and the Wider World
- Dictatorship and Democracy 1920-1945
- Division and realignment in Europe 1945-1992
- European retreat from Empire and the aftermath, 1945-1990
- The United States and the world, 1945-1989
** Pupils also prepare a Research Study Report (RSR) which is submitted in April of 6th year and worth 20%