We would like to wish our two TY students, Grace Arrigan and Cameron Bell, the very best of luck over the coming days as they represent BCS in this year’s Virtual BT Young Scientist. They have both worked very hard last term and over the Christmas holidays producing a project diary, project booklet, a powerpoint presentation and a 3 minute video. They are presenting projects online to numerous judges in the Intermediate Social and Behavioural Sciences category and the Intermediate Technology category. Grace’s project is “A statistical analysis of student’s school experiences with intellectual disabilities vs normative development” and Cameron’s is “Wind Turbine”.
The virtual exhibition will showcase 550 qualified projects from over 1,300 entries, representing all corners of Ireland from Wednesday 6th January to Friday 8th January from 9am to 5.30pm. The virtual opening ceremony will start at 1pm on Wednesday 6th January, and the awards ceremony will be held at 1pm on Friday 8th January.
This year, BT has waived fees for the public to access the unique exhibition portal for the 2021 exhibition, where they can view the 550 projects, enjoy STEM-focused shows and talks, visit exhibitor stands, and watch the opening and awards ceremonies live, for free on the BTYSTE website and on Facebook live.
Free registration for all is open at https://portal.btyoungscientist.com/